2020 Vision

“sight is what you see with your eyes, vision is what you see with your mind, focus is what creates your future…” #2020VISION

Less than 24hrs left in 2019 and the last day of this decade. Taking a few moments to reflect on this past year, before we welcome 2020. No clue where the time has gone, but I wanted to take a second to thank those of you who continue to support my passion for dance music. I’m grateful for the Labels, DJs, Listeners, Ghetto House Radio, iHeartRadio, Wild949 and all the promoters who rock with me, it means a lot.

With life pulling in different directions, it gets tricky balancing out time. Although I didn’t get to release all the music I wanted to this year, seeing this cover art is a nice lil reminder of the projects I was able to share and be a part of. I’ve got some exciting stuff in the works and am looking forward to the New Year and what’s to come. Let’s go another 12 rounds…
Wishing YOU a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! see you soon 2020.